Usually, a human is a very cautious creature. A man invested a lot of time to figure out what to do to feel more comfortable, more safe, more secure. Let"s think - our savings, our insurence - all of this was invented in order to feel safe, to not to worry about the future. There are also other things in our daily life which are aimed at making as safe. One of these thins are snow chains. Every driver know, that wheather is unpredictable. That is why when one goes somewhere, especially in the mountains, one must be prepared for difficulties. Every experienced driver will tell you, that snow chains are one of these things which should be always in drivrer"s trunk. Having the awareness that you are prepared for wheather difficuties, will make your journey even more pleasant.
Eliminacja usterek fabrycznych w ramach akcji BMW
W największych akcjach przywoławczych, organizowanych przez dominujące na rynku koncerny motoryzacyjne może uczestniczyć nawet ponad milion pojazdów. Nowa akcja serwisowa BMW rozciąga się na ponad półtora milio...